“Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.”

“Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.”
Ippakusuisei Junmai Ginjyo Sunday Back Nine 720ml Alc. 16% 06/23
一白水成 純米吟醸 Sunday Back Nine
"SUNDAY BACK NINE"意為週日最後的第9洞,有「最終決戰」之意,可謂是拿出全身精力釀造的作品。富含深度的旨味與札實口感,有男性般濃厚的味道與女性般的優雅,適合當餐中酒,搭配日式和西式濃厚味道的料理。
Sales Office
RM 03, 6/F, Seapower Centre,
No. 73 Lei Muk Road, Kwai Chung,
Hong Kong
+852 3520 2028
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Whatsapp : 9070 7432
Wechat : WineHighClub
Contact: Mr. Red Ho